Do What You Know to Do and You Will Know What to Do.

forming questions with do/does and is/are

Fazel Pourahmed from Iran writes:
I practise non know when I must apply practise/does or is/are if I want to ask a question. Thank you in advance for your answer and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
We use practice/does or is/are equally question words when we want to inquire yes/no questions. We apply does and is with third person singular pronouns (he, she, it) and with singular noun forms. We use practise and are with other personal pronouns (you, we they) and with plural substantive forms. exist For the verb be, we need is or are as question words. Study this telephone conversation. Y'all are about to encounter somebody yous practise not know:

Are you older than me? ~ No, I'm not. We're the same historic period.

Are you taller than me? ~ No, I'm not. We're about the same height.

Is your hair shorter than mine? ~ No, information technology's not. It'southward very long and straw blonde.

Are your eyes the same colour as mine? ~ Mine are blue. What colour are yours? ~ Mine are green.

future: present progressive and going to We need is or are for yes/no questions when we talk about time to come arrangements and plans using either the present progressive or going to future:

Are you playing football on Sunday afternoon? ~ Aye, I am.

Are you going to train on Sun morning? ~ Yes, I am.

Is your son coming to watch you play? ~ Yes, he is.

Is the friction match going to be televised? ~ No it's non, merely they're going to show the highlights in the evening.

present tense: present progressive We also need is or are for yes/no questions when we use the nowadays progressive to talk almost temporary actions and developing situations in the nowadays. Note that for a question involving the discipline pronoun I the verb grade am is needed:

Are y'all working at the moment? ~ No, not actually.

Am I disturbing you lot? ~ No, you're non. Come in.

Are yous laughing or crying? ~ Crying, mainly. This book is very deplorable.

Is it upsetting you lot? ~ Yes, it is. Only I want to stop it.

have When we use have to talk nearly habits and repeated actions and about possession, relationships and characteristics, nosotros normally form yes/no questions with do or does :

Do you have English language lessons on Saturdays? ~ We don't have whatsoever classes on Saturdays.

So exercise you have a lie-in on Saturdays? ~ I ever have a lie-in on Saturdays.

Do yous have breakfast on Saturdays? ~ I don't e'er have breakfast on Saturdays. I start the twenty-four hour period with lunch.

Does your sister have a new beau? ~ Yes, she does. His name's Kevin.

Does he take a motorcar? ~ No, he doesn't, merely he has a motorbike.

Do you have a fellow at the moment? ~ No, I don't.

Note that when we utilise have got to talk about possession, we need take or has every bit the question word:

Has your sister's new boyfriend got a car? No he hasn't, just he's got a motorbike.

Have y'all got a boyfriend at the moment? ~ No, I haven't.

present tense: present simple WWhen we are talking about things that happen regularly, we commonly use the present unproblematic tense and for this we need do or does as question words. Note that we can make negative questions with don't or doesn't:

Do you walk to schoolhouse every day? ~ I unremarkably walk to school, yes.

Doesn't your mother sometimes bulldoze y'all? ~ When it's raining she does.

Do you always get there on time? Yeah, I practise. I'thou never belatedly.

Don't y'all e'er oversleep? ~ No, I never do. My alarm clock wakes me up.

stative or non-progressive verbs With stative verbs likewise (like believe, sympathise, realise, call back, like, hate, demand, desire, prefer) questions are formed with do or does equally these verbs exercise non unremarkably appear in progressive course:

Do you believe in ghosts? ~ Yes, I do.

Don't you realise it's all a load of nonsense. ~ No. I don't recollect information technology is.

Don't you understand they do not be? ~ You're incorrect. They do exist!

Practise you need annihilation from the supermarket? ~ I'd similar some coffee.

Practice y'all prefer decaffeinated? ~ Oh yes, delight try to get decaff.

Do you want me to become continental blend if they don't have decaff? ~ Oh no, don't buy continental blend. It's too strong. Information technology keeps me awake at night.


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