Why Great Raven Thought It Would Be Funny

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • "Test of Friendship": Teenager Eddie had trouble learning his terms in time for his Spanish quiz, but then Cory showed up and spoke perfect fluent Spanish... and he's only 10 years old.
  • In "Hizzouse Party" when Raven wants all the people to exit the kitchen:

    Raven: Now get the hell (sees the reverend in the door) -o!

  • After Victor tells Cory not to scratch his chicken pox with fruit:

    Cory: Dad, you said no scratching with fruit.
    Victor: (with a carrot) THIS IS A VEGETABLE.

  • William calls Cory saying he can't find his pet rabbit, and Raven has a vision of him finding it.

    Raven: Cory, tell William to look under his pillow.

    Cory: He lost a rabbit... not a tooth.

    • Immediately after that:

      Cory: He wants to know how I knew that.

      Raven: You better not tell him I'm psychic.

  • "A Fish Called Raven" has Raven and Chelsea working with the school newspaper, and Raven has a vision of a sky-diving clown crashing through a window in the classroom. Raven, Chelsea and Eddie wait in the classroom when the clown comes crashing through, and Chelsea accidentally reveals to the clown that Raven is psychic. This exchange occurs:

    The clown: So, you really knew I was going to crash through that window?

    Raven: Yeah, I did actually.

    The clown: So why didn't you open it?

    • Before that: "We're going in. *tries to open door* No we're not, it's locked."
  • Cory's So Bad, It's Good rap:

    Cory: My name is Cory, this is my story, two plus two equals fory!

  • "Clouds are not made out of cotton candy, bunnies do not talk and trees do not hug you when you're sad. These are lies we shouldn't be teaching our children."
  • The moment in "To See or Not To See" when Raven discovers that she and her grandmother Vivian are not so different.

    Raven: …Grandma, are you psychic?
    Viv: Well, I don't know who this "Grandma" person is, but Viv is. How do you think I knew what Cory was up to with his whoopie cushion? As a matter of fact, he's on his way downstairs right now with a couple of water balloons. CORY, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!
    Cory: Aw, man! (goes back upstairs)

  • "There Goes The Bride" is best remembered for it's heartbreaking ending but the events that preceded it are comedy gold. Including Raven posing as the bride, which lead to this line from Eddie that's very easy to miss.

    Raven: I love your son! (everyone gasps) No no, I'm only 15!

    Eddie: Who is this, R. Kelly?

  • Boyz'n Commotion. Especially the scene when Raven, Chelsea, and Eddie unconvincingly pose as the boys.
    • Also the boys seem to have a song for everything, someone will say a phrase and they'll continue with one of their songs.
  • At the beginning of "A Goat's Tale", a radio station offers two tickets for a Boyz in Motion concert and somebody suddenly wins them.

    Chelsea: Aw man, you have to be like psychic to win those!


  • Raven's mother is out of town, and her dad's assuring her that everything's fine, and he hands the phone to Raven.

    Raven: Hey Mom! We haven't eaten in days, your plants are all dead, and I'm dropping out of school. Love you, bye!

  • Raven's speech in the fast food episode is comedy gold.


  • For Valentine's Day in "Hearts and Minds", Raven decides to give her boyfriend, Devon, a giant card with her head chanting, "Miss you! Wanna kiss you!" Cory remarks that a giant, overly-talkative head would definitely remind Devon of her.
  • Pick a time that Raven screams. Just, anytime that Raven screams.
  • After Raven's visions cause two massively disastrous Self Defeating Prophecies for Eddie and Chelsea, she asks if they'd prefer if she never tell them her visions anymore. They both heartily agree.

    Eddie: Un-unless I'm about to get hit by a piano — then you can tell me!

    Raven: Then it's settled — starting today, I will no longer tell you my visions. (they shake on it, and Raven leaves)

    Eddie: (very slowly, to Chelsea) If I get hit by a piano, I'm blaming you.

  • Raven confronts Cory about him using her CD player..

    Raven: Cory, have you been using my CD player again?

    Cory: No.

    Raven: Then why is there... Bologna in it?

  • "Chef-Man and Raven": Chelsea screaming in horror whenever Leonard Stevenson's full name was mentioned.
  • Raven after learning her favorite designer is coming to San Francisco begins slamming the piano until the lid crashes down on her hand.

    Raven: If I wasn't so excited, THIS WOULD REALLY HURT!!!

  • The entirety of "The Lying Game" could qualify. For the plot, Raven and Cory are arguing over who's to blame for an incident that happened in Cory's class while Raven was job-shadowing his teacher. While Raven's side of the story paints her as a literal saint (including bringing dead flowers back to life and her entering the class with a literl Ethereal Choir and lights shining from the ceiling), Cory's side is downright hilarious. He paints Raven as a batshit crazy demon with fangs and the ability to make flowers die on site. What makes it better is Raven spends the scene mean-mugging and yelling at random.

    Cory: *To the other kids* Don't worry, that's my lovable sister Raven. Her bark's worse than her bite.

    Raven: NYAUGRGAH *bites into the geography textbook she's holding*.

  • During "Double Vision", Raven dressed up as a vegetarian hipster called Sunshine and sings "The Ballad of the Salad."

    Raven: Ever since the day I was born, I've been in love with sweet yellow corn. I love it on the nibblet and on the cob. Love it with butter, even a glob. And even in my teeth, it gets a stickin'. Oh, I love it best with my mom's deep-fried... Chicken! Chicken! Chicken!

    Vegetarian Crowd: (boos)

    Raven: Did I say Chicken? What I meant to say was celery! My mom's deep-fried celery!

  • The entire "Liz Anya" scheme through which Raven (unsuccessfully) tries to get her dad's job back. The whole sequence is hilarious.

    Raven: Do you know who I be? Do you listen to music!?
    Eddie: Do you watch TV?
    Chelsea: Do you carry a lunchbox?!?

    • Eddie coming up with "Liz Anya" as a Line-of-Sight Name.

    Raven: (whispering) "Liz Anya"!?
    Eddie: Hey, you was about to be "Pork Choppa"!

    • Then there's this lovely moment:

    Raven: I don't need a menu, just have Victor prepare my usual.
    Mr. Briggs: Oh, Victor doesn't work here anymore...
    (Raven, Eddie and Chelsea do a Spit Take)
    Raven: ARE YOU JOKING!?
    Mr. Briggs: Shh!
    Eddie: Don't shush her!
    Raven: This restaurant is nothing without Victor, where is he!?
    Chelsea: (to Mr. Briggs) You know, if I were you, I'd get Victor back right now before-
    Raven: GET ME J-LO!
    Chelsea: OHHHH IT'S TOO LATE!!!!!

    • And how did Raven and company get Jennifer Lopez? They didn't! Corey's filling that role by talking on the phone in a bad falsetto.
    • "Liz" singing a rendition of "When The Saints Go Marching In" due to someone requesting that she sing for them and Eddie only knowing how to play one song on the piano. She rolls with it and sings a song about how Victor getting fired is bad for the restaurant's business.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Funny/ThatsSoRaven

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