King is Not Easy


There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule. And by accident, Da Xin and Ji Man – the King exchanged their souls when Da Xi tried to find Shao Yong. Da Xi became the King Ji Man while Ji Man became the maid Da Xi. Henceforward Da Xi became a trainee King with Ji Man's support. Ji Man, on the other hand, learned to be a qualified maid. Their souls went back to each other's body finally, and they found they have fallen in love with each other. The war broke out. Ji Man led personal expedition to the front with the army. The enemy was strong that Ji Man retreated one step after another. One day Da Xi found her immortal identity accidentally. She saved Ji Man with the price of her own memory. From then on, they never met again. Ji Man missed Da Xi and his health was getting worse day by day. To make him cheer up, Empress Dowager asked others to delete all his memory about Da Xi. Everything went back to normal now. Ji Man is a King and Da Xi is a chef, no one remember the other. Years later when they met each other again on the street, they had a sense of déjà vu although they didn't remember each other anymore. They had a happy conversation and seems will fall in love again. 妲喜(白鹿饰)精灵古怪好美色,平生最大愿望是嫁给绝色美男,因此当她对宫中侍卫少雍(赵弈钦饰)一见钟情后就不惜放弃一切入宫当宫女,却机缘巧合与大王姬满(张逸杰饰)灵魂互换产生了羁绊,身份变化之下带来糗事不断。"大王"为宫人亲自下厨、献吻表白侍卫、朝堂激情尬舞等出格行为频发,"宫女"却一反常态,神情高冷做事毛手毛脚、错漏百出。有了大王身份妲喜接近少雍更为方便,却也因为是大王身份每次对少雍表露爱意总会场面一度尴尬。妲喜和姬满在追少雍问题上僵持不下,斗智斗勇,不惜互相伤害,却也在相处过程中互相理解、互相欣赏,最后萌生爱意。

Cast & Crew

Ep 1

33 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 1

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 2

27 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 2

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 3

27 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 3

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 4

27 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 4

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 5

27 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 5

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 6

27 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 6

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 7

27 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 7

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 8

28 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 8

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 9

28 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 9

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 10

29 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 10

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 11

29 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 11

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 12

29 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 12

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 13

29 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 13

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 14

29 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 14

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 15

29 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 15

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 16

30 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 16

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 17

29 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 17

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 18

32 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 18

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 19

32 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 19

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 20 Finale

31 mins

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Ep 20 Finale

There was a talented female chef Da Xin living in Zhao Ge in the Zhou Dynasty. Many matchmakers wanted to make a match for her, but no one has ever met her expectation. One day, she met her prince charming--Shao Yong, a guardian of Emperor. To chase about him, Da Xi gave up her prosperous career and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, she found it difficult to meet Shao Yong for the extremely strict Imperial Rule....

Additional Information

Ep 15

Released 2017
Genres drama , romance

Parental guidance advised for young children